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VIEW2SUCCEED is about helping anyone, especially women, who desires to have more love, happiness and positivity in their lives. 

About View2succeed...

My name is Pam and I set up View2succeed to help anyone, especially women, who desires to have more love, happiness and positivity in their Lives. 


Most people want to make the best of themselves but sometimes, due to circumstances, environment or even their own mindset, they may not be surrounded by the positivity they may crave.  It is, however, possible to enjoy life as best as can be but in most cases it will start with you and your mindset.  I believe a positive mindset is crucial to living a happy life, that is not to say that life challenges won’t come about, because they will, but not allowing these occurrences to overshadow your life is the key. 


I very much believe that everything starts with loving yourself, actively loving yourself, not just paying lip service to the idea.  We are not really told or shown how to do this but I think it is essential taking time out to do things which make you feel great within yourself, strengthen your mindset and to increase your self esteem.  I know issues of loving yourself, self esteem and confidence can certainly be a challenge for women so I would like to help.


View2succeed is here to offer insight and my perspectives in relation to issues of mind, body and soul and personal development via my blog.  I also offer the powerful yet gentle healing of Reiki. 


Reiki is a universal life force system where the practitioner tunes into the reiki energy and channels the flowing energy from their hands by placing their hands on or around the client’s body in various positions.


For women, I can offer face to face sessions at my premises in the vicinity of East London/Essex or can even offer a ‘distant’ healing session, wherever you may be in the UK.

view2succeed reiki

 What We Do

being positive

I am loving life and life is loving me


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