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Do You Get The Encouragement You Need..?

Are your friends enthused when you tell them your latest idea? Or do they think it’s a hairbrained scheme that is not likely to come off?

It’s always good to have friends who are willing to encourage you with any ideas you may have. Better still if that person can show support and also highlight the pros and cons of your idea then that is great as you will get a fuller picture of your idea.

Someone who is discouraging is likely to be quite negative and will point out your personal flaws or issues to the concept you are thinking about. They will most likely point out any previous failings from the past, trying to persuade you not to go through with your idea.

Not everyone can have your vision if you are trying to get on in life and paving a way for yourself, but there are people who will not show encouragement to you as they have a negative bias full stop. They are likely to be people who have hit a certain level in life and have parked themselves there. You come along and have all these dreams and ideas and this must get to them in some way as they can see that potentially you can achieve your goals and at some point you will surpass them and leave them behind. That is their issue not yours!

As you go through your self-development journey it is likely that you will have to make new friends and acquaintances to support the person you are trying to become. This may also mean that you have to leave behind friends, you already had, as you will find yourselves growing apart.

This is all absolutely normal and you should just be aware of the changing facets of your life. Make no apologies for you wanting to get on in life and just get on and do it!

Hope you enjoyed this blog post and if you did please share to pass on the motivation, encouragement, inspiration etc. it may help someone else. Remember to check back regularly for updates and feel free to read other posts to help you should you need additional motivation anytime. Also check out the facebook page for more quotes from View2succeed as well as shared posts from other inspiring fb pages and leaders in personal development such as Les Brown, Power of Positivity and Lisa Nichols.


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