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How To Keep Your Spirits High At This Challenging Time

Hey Everyone, as we know times lately have been pretty challenging for most people. Our whole lives have been shook up with what is going on at the present time and sometimes it makes you think will your life ever be the same again?

It is, however, a time to reflect on your life, the way it has been and the way you may want it to be in future (circumstances permitting).

In between times as long as this goes on we have to try and cope as best as possible. I have outlined some points for you to consider to help you through this challenging time we are all going through.

  • Focus on feeling love over fear. It can be hard but actually taking time out to direct your thoughts to positivity (at any time, not just in a state of pandemic) can really help you.

  • Take time out to meditate. There is no real strict rule of meditation but taking time out to sit quietly and breathe long deep breaths can be beneficial.

  • Eat and drink as healthily as possible. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of healthy food such as fresh fruit and veg assuming these items haven’t flown off the shelves! In these times comfort foods such as fast foods, burgers and pizza are welcome but try to maintain a balanced diet.

  • Connect with positive people. Connect yourself with happy, uplifting, positive people whether in person, being careful to maintain safe levels of personal contact or over the phone or through social media!

  • Limit your intake of the news surrounding this situation. Most news can be pretty negative at the best of times. Spend a few minutes each day to Keep informed of the latest developments in staying safe at this time but don’t get drowned in negative news 24/7.

  • Find time to have a laugh. Watch a funny movie on TV or watch a humorous Youtube video to have a real laugh and take the edge off all that is going on around us.

  • Do things that make you happy. Where possible do or catch up with activities that may usually be ‘forgotten’ when living life as normal. Read a book, catch up on some crafting, play family games or even take time out to enjoy a rest.

  • Help people. Think of ways you can help your loved ones and neighbours if they may be vulnerable at this time. Perhaps doing some errands or shopping for them. Helping other people makes you feel good within yourself.

  • Think positive thoughts. Think that you will do what you can to get through this unprecedented time. You most probably have experienced a lot of challenging times in the past whether it be illness, negative financial times and previous occasions where disease has run rampage. Believe you will get through it to face brighter times when this situation eventually calms down.

  • Take care of your body. If you are stuck in indoors for any length of time do take time out to do some exercise; stretching is great for a general limber up. If you are familiar with yoga then that is another great way to get some the exercise you need. If you are able to get out of the house then a walk or run round your local park, taking heed, of social distancing could be good too.

Taking time out to actually do some if not all of these pointers will greatly benefit you. This is an unprecedented time but if you use your time wisely and take the benefits and the blessings out of the situation, you will come through it. It's all about positivity!

Hope you enjoyed this blog post and if you did please share to pass on the motivation, encouragement, inspiration etc. it may help someone else. Remember to check back regularly for updates and feel free to read other posts to help you should you need additional motivation anytime. Also check out the facebook page for more quotes from View2succeed as well as shared posts from other inspiring fb pages and leaders in personal development such as Les Brown, Power of Positivity and Lisa Nichols.


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