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Stuck In A Rut

Stuck in a rut - View2succeed

Do you feel like you are not moving forward in life? Thinking the same thoughts, doing the same job which bores you, in the same relationship which ‘ended’ quite some time ago, just doing the same ole same ole? We all get in a rut from time to time; that is just how life goes for us sometimes. The thing is when we stand still like that and we want to be moving forward then we have to do something about it.

We can get stuck for a number of reasons but the main thing I think, having spoken to lots of people, is that they at some kind of crossroads mainly in relation to their career and relationships.

Life changes around us, even if you may not always be aware of it, especially if you have carried out your same personal routines over many years.

If you are happy with life then fair enough but if you do get that feeling of being stuck then action is required from you to push forward.

Some of the times when we are in a rut we are able to explore possible options that we can take to move out of the rut, however, if the options are scary for us then we may not actually take any action. The overall fear of change or starting anew means you end up being stuck longer than you need to be.

As the expression goes the only constant is change so you will have to try something different, possibly coming out of your comfort zone, in order to move yourself forward. Try different things and say yes to new opportunities if they come your way and they feel right, you never know where they could lead you down the line, maybe one step closer to a dream that you have held for quite some time?

The Only Constant In Life Is Change - View2succeed

Get yourself happy and positive (and remain that way) while you work through new ideas and scenarios to lift you out of the rut. You will find, anyway, once you start exploring different options for yourself that you get excited as to where potentially your life can go once it is out of the usual routine.

Try not to wallow in the reality of your past and believe things cannot change as they can. You can allow stuff to change, you just have to be willing, positive, explore your options and take necessary action.

So embrace the change as the only constant is change.

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